
The Lover's War
Story after story
Line after line
They take turns
They twist it
They squeeze it
And bury the truth
Maybe even reveal like a chameleon

It's there breathing,
But you don't see easily, it's hidden
In colors, it's hidden
It's hidden in the grass, it turns green
It's hidden in the tree bark, it turns brown
You don't notice until you take a step further

And closer and...
And deeper and deeper
You dive
You get used to swimming
You love the water
You embrace it
It  becomes your life
And you forget where you came from
Your original is lost

Then you thrive
Hard, effortlessly, selflessly
You reach

Deep, deep, deep into it
You make an extra move
You touch the treasure
Thinking it belongs to you
The one you thought you had won
The one you thought you deserved

The feeling, the smile
Oh! I have won the race, you say
I crossed the finish line
And then... in an attempt to cross over
The line becomes a wall
An indestructible Jericho

                                                By ~Alari~
